IACCI Baghdad Office
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Destination Baghdad Expo
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May 17th Ministry Networking
The purpose of the event, scheduled to be held in the Baghdad COnvention Center, is to connect ministry representatives and decision makers with Iraqi companies for the purpose of affording opportunities in a more transparent fashion. Click on link for more details....
USA Exchange Opportunity for Iraqi Women
IACCI, in cooperation with Amideast, is offering opportunities for Iraqi women to participate in an exchange program to the United States. Deadlines for applications are April 4th! Read more....
Baghdad trade fair delayed due to big U.S. interest – organizer
7:34 a.m. January 12, 2004
AMMAN, Jordan – An international trade fair organizers hope will attract hundreds of businesses to Baghdad is being postponed for a month because of the amount of interest from the United States, the head of the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce said Monday.
Iraq prepares to woo investment
Iraq prepares to woo investment
January 12, 2004 - 7:30AM
The Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry is preparing to hold its first post-war mega trade fair in war-battered Baghdad March 1-4 despite security concerns, organisers said.
Jordan has hosted half-a-dozen conferences devoted to doing business with Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime at the hands of a US-led coalition in April, drawing hundreds of Iraqi businessmen to Amman.
Baghdad Expo on way
The Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IACCI) is to stage the first Baghdad Expo: Destination Baghdad (DBX) early next year at the Baghdad International Fair grounds in Iraq.
AMMAN, Jordan -- An international trade fair that organizers hope will attract hundreds of businesses to Baghdad
AMMAN, Jordan -- An international trade fair that organizers hope will attract hundreds of businesses to Baghdad is being postponed for a month because of the amount of interest from the United States.
Raad Ommar, head of the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, or I-ACC, told reporters in Amman on Monday that the "Destination Baghdad Expo," or DBX, would now open in early April.
Sabotage, looting and guerrilla attacks on international organizations and hotels where foreign contractors stay have so far deterred major foreign investment in postwar Iraq.
But Ommar, in Jordan for an Iraqi reconstruction conference, said he expected 90 percent of the some 6,000-8,000 participants at the fair in the Iraqi capital to be from abroad.
On the sight of the historical Baghdad International Fair grounds
Destination Baghdad Expo (1-4, Mar 2004)
On the sight of the historical Baghdad International Fair grounds, the IRAQIAMERICAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry proudly announces the first ever Destination Baghdad Expo.
The Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IACCI) the organisers of "DBX" are proud to announce that "DBX" will be a celebration place where Iraq and its business community are eager to network and trade with partners from around the world in an atmosphere of FREE TRADE and cooperation.
For further information, kindly contact
Eric Nigh, DBX event Manager,
Baghdad, Iraq
Website: i-acci.org
'Destination Baghdad Expo' described as a symbol of 'Iraq Grand Opening'
AMMAN — Officials from the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad (CPA) announced on Monday plans to kickstart soon the first trade show in Iraq on reconstruction of the war-battered country, terming the expo as a symbol of "Iraq Grand Opening."
The Coalition Provisional Authority has endorsed the Destination Baghdad Expo (DBX)
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The Coalition Provisional Authority has endorsed the Destination Baghdad Expo (DBX), a major trade fair planned for April 5-8, 2004 at the Baghdad International Fair Grounds. The CPA has pledged support for logistics, publicity, and security for the event.
'Destination Baghdad Expo' described as a symbol of 'Iraq Grand Opening'
Jordan Times
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
'Destination Baghdad Expo' described as a symbol of 'Iraq Grand Opening'
BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service
BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service
Destination Baghdad EXPO
The Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and Industry proudly announces the first ever “DBX”: “Destination Baghdad EXPO” https://i-acci.org
WASHINGTON, January 29, 2004, 2003 Ż The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today authorized the Bank to act as an administrator for the Iraq Trust Fund which will finance a program of emergency projects and technical
assistance. The program is contained in the Interim Strategy for Iraq, discussed by the Board today. It includes not only specific projects and technical assistance, to be financed by the trust fund, but also a program of economic and sector work aimed at laying the groundwork for an expanded development assistance program in the near future. The Interim Strategy builds on the Bank's previous work in Iraq during 2003 and outlines a Bank-sponsored work program for Iraq for the next six to nine months.
IN SEARCH OF BAGHDAD When Iraq Looked West
BAGHDAD — It is hard to convey the degree of hostility many in this city feel toward the West today. But there was a time when Baghdad hungered for the trappings of Western culture. This was especially true in architecture, and it redefined the city's physical shape as much as any war.
More construction took place in Baghdad during the second half of the 20th century than at any time since the Golden Age of the Abbasid dynasty came to a close nearly 750 years ago. Most of this new work was Modern in spirit and represented a radical break with Baghdad's past. Among the international architects with major projects here were Frank Lloyd Wright, then nearing the end of his career; Walter Gropius, a founder of the Bauhaus; and the Italian Modernist Gio Ponti.
Eight Times staff members are among the wounded
Iraq Blast Kills Five
A car bomb rips through a Baghdad restaurant frequented by foreigners. Eight Times staff members are among the wounded.
Nabil is a member of the Iraqi American chamber of Commerce and Industry survived the blast.
Herein lies a proposal for the new government structure of Iraq. This plan counts on Iraq being an eventual constitutional republic with direct or indirect representative-based government at all the government levels. There should be a bill of rights. The national and state/provincial governments should all consist of three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. All branches would implement a series of checks and balances upon each other.
Special IACCI Delegation of Iraqi Businesspersons to OUTREACH 2004 in Amman, Jordan (www.kallman.com/Outreach)
FREE for all IACCI members “OUTREACH 2004” Amman, Jordan, January 11-13, 2004. Iraqi American chamber of Commerce and Industry
Iraqi American chamber of Commerce and Industry will take a delegation to “OUTREACH 2004”, a US-led international exhibition and workshop program taking place in neighboring Amman, Jordan, January 11-13, 2004.
The OUTREACH 2004 Exhibition and Conferences will cover a wide variety of products, services and solutions ranging from education and school requirements; to high-tech applications; to all of Iraq's post-war problems. Matters related to security, environmental concerns, basic infrastructure, and telecommunications will be addressed along with life-style products and home furnishings intended to enhance the lives of the people of the region, and especially Iraq.
Suppliers from around the world will be on hand to demonstrate their answer to the challenges (and opportunities) in Iraq.
IACCI in the News
Read about IACCI's recent activities in the press. Archived in our website are newspaper articles we have collected for your information.
IACCI in cooperation with CIPE (US Chamber affiliate)
Survey Report, "Conditions and Expectations for Private Enterprise in Iraq," from the Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and CIPE
In their own words, A collection of quotes by neoconservatives.
In their own words
A collection of quotes by neoconservatives.
"A neoconservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality. A neoliberal is a liberal who's been mugged by reality but has refused to press charges."
- Irving Kristol
"Change - above all violent change - is the essence of human history."
- Michael Ledeen
Neocon 101
Some basic questions answered.
What do neoconservatives believe?
"Neocons" believe that the United States should not be ashamed to use its unrivaled power – forcefully if necessary – to promote its values around the world. Some even speak of the need to cultivate a US empire. Neoconservatives believe modern threats facing the US can no longer be reliably contained and therefore must be prevented, sometimes through preemptive military action.
Five women confront a new Iraq
From actresses to lawyers, women are seizing a historic if uncertain moment
Ashtar Jassim Al-Yasari is standing in the cramped office of her newspaper, Habez Bouz, when the air conditioning suddenly cuts out. An immediate crash of heat - the product of temperatures outside soaring above 130 degrees F. - makes it harder to tolerate the jostling in the narrow room that houses editors of four papers that have sprung to life in postwar Baghdad.
Ms. Yasari, wearing a lavender head scarf that makes her khaki-green eyes even more striking, is the only woman among them.
There are other women journalists in Iraq, but postwar insecurity has forced many professional women to stay home. Yasari shrugs at the situation with an air of steely equanimity: It won't stop her, she says, though her father or brother escorts her whenever she leaves home - something she never faced before the war.
Iraq's simmering south
Monday the Monitor begins a three-part series that examines initial US efforts to transfer power at the grass-roots to Iraqis. US commanders, virtually alone in overseeing vast regions of Iraq, have pushed for at least superficial local empowerment as vital to stability. They have often forged ahead of civilian occupation authorities in Baghdad, resisting top-down mandates in favor of pragmatic problem solving from below. Yet so far steps toward Iraqi self-defense and self-rule remain fitful and tentative, hampered by mutual misunderstanding, resentment, and mistrust.
Iraq's new challenge: civil society
Ban Saraf, an Iraqi-American entrepreneur, navigates Baghdad daily, helping 88 new councils find their democratic voice.It has been sixth months since the US-led forces toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein - and it could be years before they leave Iraq. But some of the most difficult challenges ahead will be taken on not by the military, but by contractors tasked with rebuilding Iraq.
Why Iraqis abroad are reluctant to return
BAGHDAD – It is hard to slip a word in edgeways when Hind Rassam and her two sisters get together. They work in offices only a few hundred yards from each other, but they are so busy they can go weeks without meeting, and they have a lot to catch up on.
Hind, Amal, and Shamim Rassam are an unusual trio of Iraqi-American sisters who have returned to Baghdad since Saddam Hussein's fall to help rebuild their country. There are an estimated 3 million or more Iraqis living abroad, of which at least 500,000 are fellow exiles waiting and watching but still reluctant to come home
Reduction in U.S. Troops Eyed for '04
U.S. military commanders have developed a plan to steadily cut back troop levels in Iraq next year, several senior Army officers said in recent interviews.
There are now 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. The plan to cut that number is well advanced and has been described in broad outline to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld but has not yet been approved by him. It would begin to draw down forces next spring, cutting the number of troops to fewer than 100,000 by next summer and then to 50,000 by mid-2005, officers involved in the planning said.
America Must Let Iraq Rebuild Itself
No Iraqi will ever forget the momentous April day when a crowd of hundreds of cheering Baghdadis, helped by an American armored vehicle, pull the huge statue of Saddam Hussein to the ground. With this act, we tore down three decades of tyranny and repression and began building in its place a foundation for freedom, democracy and a better future for our children.
State Dept. Study Foresaw Trouble Now Plaguing Iraq
A yearlong State Department study predicted many of the problems that have plagued the American-led occupation of Iraq, according to internal State Department documents and interviews with administration and Congressional officials.
Beginning in April 2002, the State Department project assembled more than 200 Iraqi lawyers, engineers, business people and other experts into 17 working groups to study topics ranging from creating a new justice system to reorganizing the military to revamping the economy.
Their findings included a much more dire assessment of Iraq's dilapidated electrical and water systems than many Pentagon officials assumed. They warned of a society so brutalized by Saddam Hussein's rule that many Iraqis might react coolly to Americans' notion of quickly rebuilding civil society.
U.S. Forces Try to End Standoff in Iraqi City
KARBALA, Iraq — American-led forces surrounded the headquarters of a militant Shiite leader near one of Islam's most revered shrines Saturday and set up roadblocks to prevent more of his supporters from entering the city center a day after three U.S. soldiers were killed in a brief but violent firefight with his bodyguards.
The battle here between U.S. and Iraqi police and the followers of Ayatollah Mahmoud Hassani claimed the lives of a U.S. military police battalion commander and two other U.S. soldiers and left several Americans wounded. Two Iraqi police officers and a large but undetermined number of Hassani's armed followers also were killed.