IACCI Baghdad Office
![]() Arabic |
January 6, 2004
WASHINGTON, DC - In support of the Coalition Provisional Authority's (CPA)
reconstruction efforts in Iraq, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today announced the selection of a multi-million dollar Iraq infrastructure repair and rehabilitation contractor, otherwise referred to as the Iraq Infrastructure II contract, to Bechtel National, Inc. based in San Francisco. Bechtel is teamed with the Parsons Corporation of Pasadena, California.
Timeline of Iraq History
3500 BC The world's first civilization developed in Sumer (now southeastern Iraq). This civilization is referred to as Mesopotamia.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services needed for USAID/Iraq
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services needed for USAID/Iraq?s technical assistance portfolio. M&E Program Performance Phase 2 project will provide regular performance monitoring and periodic performance evaluations of a broad and complex range of activities. This notice introduces the Iraq Monitoring and Evaluation statement of work in draft form for general industry review and comment. Comments, best practices and lessons learned that are relevant to the statement of work are welcome.
Reliable Sources on Funding for Iraq
At a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, December 30 a tentative compromise agreement was arrived at on the broad parameters of how the money will be spent.
CPA and the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) signed an agreement
CPA and the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) signed an agreement detailing the political process for transfer of power to a new Iraqi government.
CPA and PMO Timeline – 2003-2004
RFPs, Bidding and Awarding of Contracts
and Turning Government over to the Iraqis
IACCI in the news
Getting back to business in Iraq
Baghdad and New York, 12 November 2003
The U.S. arm of the International Chamber of Commerce, the United States Council for International Business (USCIB), announced today that the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry has joined ICC, the world business organization.
The Ministry of Science and Technology’s (MOST) Strategic Plan takes its emphasis from the Coalition Provisional Authority’s strategy as outlined in Achieving the Vision. The document describes the core foundations of CPA’s strategy and key action steps within the core elements. Overall, the Mission of the CPA is to:
Iraqi S&T Ministry Briefing
The following is a short summary of the briefing. Attached for your convenience are handouts distributed during the meeting (1) the 14-page MoST Strategic Plan (MS Word format), and (2) the two-page summary, which
includes contact information for Dr. Hamza and Mr. Popps (fax). Mr. Popps
indicated he will remain in the Washington area for the next few weeks to conduct follow-up meetings with firms on MoST's behalf.
Welcome to the Iraqi Business Center
The Iraqi Business Center is located on the ground floor of the convention center. We are open everyday (except Friday) from 0900-1200. We offer the following services to the Iraqi Business community:
- Information on tenders coming out of various CPA and military contracting offices
- A place to anonymously report corruption among Iraqi and coalition contracting offices
- Support for businesswomen
- Support for young entrepreneurs
- Connections with foreign companies
- Connections with fellow Iraqi companies
Kirkuk Business Center
We here at the KBC seek to serve as a liaison between the private sector, both local and international, and governmental agencies with the intent of facilitating business deals and investment. The KBC will act on behalf of the local businesspersons by increasing their profile among international investors through means of newsletters, publications, social gatherings, and internet applications.
Register for the CPA Industry Day
In response to Congressional interest in the Coalition Provisional Authority's (CPA) contracting process and business opportunities in Iraq for constituents, I am pleased to announce that "CPA Industry Day" will be held on November 19, 2003 in Arlington, Virginia. Industry Day is the first step in a series of measures designed to make CPA's contracting process as transparent and open as possible.
Progress Competes With Chaos in Iraq
NASIRIYAH, Iraq — This city in southern Iraq saw some of the fiercest fighting of the U.S.-led war to oust Saddam Hussein. Yet today the most visible uniform here is not military, but the bright blue overalls of new municipal workers on an urban beautification project. Life, residents say, is getting better.
About 250 miles up the river, near the Sunni-dominated town of Ramadi, the picture is far different: Tense Americans from the 82nd Airborne Division, weapons at the ready, run a checkpoint on a highway that has seen so many attacks it might as well be named "Ambush Alley." Here, locals quietly applaud each strike on U.S. forces.
Chronology of Iraq since fall of Saddam
LONDON, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Iraqis crowded into banks on Wednesday to swap tattered banknotes for crisp new currency issued by the U.S.-led administration, which is seeking to erase the image of Saddam Hussein from postwar Iraq.
Contributions to reconstruction in Iraq
LONDON, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Spain on Friday pledged $300 million of economic aid to Iraq to 2007, making it one of the world's most generous donors to Iraqi reconstruction
Middle East Trade Initiative
To re-ignite economic growth and expand opportunity in the Middle East, the President proposed on May 9th, 2003 establishing a U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area within a decade. Building on our free trade agreements (FTAs) with Israel and Jordan, the United States will take a series of graduated steps:
Help reforming countries become members of the World Trade Organization;
Negotiate Bilateral Investment Treaties and Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFA) with governments determined to improve their trade and investment regimes;
Complete our negotiations on a free trade agreement with Morocco by the end of this year;
Continue to pursue a FTA with the reform-focused leadership in Bahrain;
Launch, in consultation with Congress, new bilateral free trade agreements with governments committed to high standards and comprehensive trade liberalization; and
Provide assistance to build trade capacity and expansion so countries can benefit from integration into the global trading system
The U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
The U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will enter into force on December 17, 2001. The Governments of the United States and Jordan signed the agreement on October 24, 2000, and President Bush signed the implementing legislation on September 28, 2001. The FTA will eliminate duties and commercial barriers to bilateral trade in goods and services originating in the United States and Jordan. The FTA also includes, for the first time ever in the text of a trade agreement, provisions addressing trade and environment, trade and labor, and electronic commerce. Other provisions address intellectual property rights protection, balance of payments, rules of origin, safeguards and procedural matters such as consultations and dispute settlement. Because the United States already has a Bilateral Investment Treaty with Jordan, the FTA does not include an investment chapter.
The Language of Trade
The third edition of The Language of Trade contains a glossary of trade terminology, a list of acronyms used in international trade, and a chronology of major events in international trade since 1916. It updates, revises, and expands the second edition of The Language of Trade, which was published in 1993.
THE NEW IRAQ, Progress & Accomplishments
The Iraqi Minister of Finance Mr. Kamil al-Gailani announced the release of the Iraqi Budget for 2004. The budget provides authority for the commitment and expenditure of money by the Iraqi Ministries for 2004 and sets the fiscal framework for 2005 and 2006. It meets the recurrent expenditures of the Ministries and provides for Iraqis' most urgent daily and social needs. (CPA)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently soliciting for contractors to work in Iraq.
The USACE Transatlantic Programs Center awarded three contracts in anticipation of potential contingency contract requirements in U.S. Central Command's area of operations. No specific work or location for work to be performed has been identified to date
Task Force Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO) mission
USACE Missions--Oil Fire Suppression
and Restoration of Production
Economic Recovery, Reform and Sustained Growth in Iraq
* Awarded to BearingPoint, Inc. of McLean, Virginia on July 25, 2003.
* This RFP seeks to foster economic rehabilitation and reform for Iraq to stimulate the country’s international trade and employment. The tasks performed under this activity will facilitate responsible economic integration of Iraq with its regional and international partners to foster sustainable job generation, adopt international standards of production, harmonize economic policy, reinforce traditional trade linkages, and develop new trade partnerships. It is also designed to develop and implement a blueprint for managing the economic and technical work to assure the food policy safety net is available for those who may be unable to function on the private market once the U.N. food program ends.
Contracts and Grants, Iraq Reconstruction Phase II
The purpose of this contract is to provide engineering procurement and construction services in support of an Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Program. The Contractor will assure the successful design, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and construction of infrastructure projects in support of USAID and the CPA assistance to Iraq in the areas of electric power systems, municipal water and sanitation services, road networks and rail systems, selected public buildings, ports and waterways, and airports. A secondary objective of this contract is to provide numerous employment opportunities for Iraqis and Iraqi firms, thereby injecting much needed capital into the economy. To ensure the sustainability of projects, an institutional capacity building component for operation and maintenance will be implemented for all sectors.
Travel Warning
This information is current as of today, Wed Oct 15 2003 23:28:46 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time).
Economic Reform Program Strategy In Middle East
In building allies in the Middle East, it should be remembered that much of the Arab business community has the incentive and interest to work closely with the United States. First, they want to advance much needed reform in the Arab world by fostering modern management techniques based on good corporate governance and Western business practices. Second, more than any other group in the region, Arab business leaders realize the enormous challenge of creating jobs for young people now wishing to enter the job market and, for the young entrepreneurs who will have to create these jobs.
Iraq - After Saddam
From a business point of view, the reentry of Iraq into the international community will require progress in three broad areas, more or less simultaneously.
Assyrian American Chamber of Commerce
A Chamber of Commerce is an essential organization for the promotion of business and industry, also for developing business contacts. This is a common practice in the United States, and the we
Republic of Iraq Interim Budget for the period July to December 2003
This interim budget provides authority for the commitment and expenditure of money by the Interim Government of Iraq for the period July to December 2003. It sets the groundwork for the preparation and authorization of the budget for 2004. The Budget balance for July to December 2003 shows a deficit of around $US2. 2 billion. This will be funded from committed financial assets, without the need for borrowing.