Middle East Resources

Oct 2, 2003, 11:17

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Middle East Resources

The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES)
The World Trade Center, 1191 Cornich El-Nile 14th Floor, Cairo 11221, Egypt
tel:20-2 578 1202 fax:20-2 578 1205
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Independent institute, founded in 1992.
Background/Scope: The ECES mission is to promote economic development in Egypt by developing and disseminating appropriate policy reforms based on international experience. Since its inception, the center has become one of Egypt's leading private research institutions and partners in development. The center has attempted to rigorously address some of the key challenges facing the Egyptian economy, and concerted effort has been made to increase public awareness of research results and alternative solutions to important problems. Recognizing that development ultimately requires collective action, ECES has reached out to build partnerships with like-minded institutions.
Areas of Research: Economic issues, industry policy, development studies, regional studies, social issues, education, labor and human resource development, communications and information, science and technology, environment and natural resources.

The Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS)
Shahid Aghai St., Shahid Bahonar Ave, Tehran, Iran
tel:98-21 280 2671 fax:98-21 280 2643
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Governmental institute, founded in 1983.
Background/Scope: IPIS was established to provide analytic views and to help shape the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy by encouraging studies, research and analyses on contemporary international development. The institute uses the latest research methods concerning international and foreign issues and maintains relations with similar research institutions in different countries.

Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies (JCSS)
The Yariv Wing, Gilman Buildin, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 69978, Israel
tel:972-3 640 9926 fax:972-3 642 2404
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: University-affiliated institute., founded in 1977.
Background/Scope: The objective of JCSS is to advise, research and contribute to the expansion of knowledge on relevant strategic subjects and to promote public understanding of and pluralistic thought on matters of Israel's security and Middle Eastern strategic affairs. JCSS seeks to address the Israeli public, Israel's defense and decision-making echelons and world Jewry, as well as decision makers, strategic planners and the media in the world at large.

The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies
Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
tel:972-3 6409646 fax:972-3 6415802
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: University-affiliated institute., founded in 1959.
Background/Scope: The center is an interdisciplinary research institution devoted to the study of the modern history and contemporary affairs of the Middle East. It seeks to impart an understanding of the Middle Eastern past and present to academic and general audiences in Israel and around the world.

Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI)
PO Box 932, Jerusalem 91092, Israel/Palestine
tel:972-2 676 9460 fax:972-2 676 8011
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Independent NGO, founded in 1988.
Background/Scope: IPCRI is a cooperative Israeli/Palestinian public policy think tank concerned with the development of public policy aimed at advancing peace and at creating sustainable mechanisms for ongoing cooperation. It deals with issues relating to the conflict and the peace process between Israel, the Palestinians and the surrounding Arab states, promoting peaceful solutions. The center's uniqueness lies in the fact that it is managed jointly by Israelis and Palestinians dedicated to advancing solutions to the many complex issues in this conflict. IPCRI was founded at the height of the Intifada (the Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation). It is a nonprofit organization that enjoys widespread support among opinion makers, academics and professionals and those actively seeking a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)
PO Box 24885, Safat 1310, Kuwait
tel:965-483 6105 fax:965-483 6637
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Governmental institute, founded in 1967.
Background/Scope: KISR has the following objectives: to carry out applied scientific research that helps the advancement of national industry; and to undertake studies relating to the preservation of the environment, resources of natural wealth and their discovery, sources of water and energy, methods of agricultural exploitation, and promotion of water wealth. The institute is entrusted by law to conduct both research and scientific and technological consultation for governmental and private institutions in Kuwait, the Gulf region and the Arab world.
Areas of Research: Industry policy, health and welfare, communications and information, economic issues, regional studies, labor and human resource development, science and technology, environment and natural resources, biological, agricultural and physical sciences, development studies, petroleum, engineering, water resources.
Geographic Focus: Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf States.

Centre for Arab Unity Studies (CAUS)
Sadat Tower Building, Lyon Street, PO Box 113-6001, Beirut, Lebanon
tel:961-1 869164/801582/7 fax:961-1 865548
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Independent institute, founded in 1975.
Background/Scope: In the wake of the Arab defeat suffered in the June 1967 war with Israel, many Arab intellectuals and educators, convinced of the pressing need for a united Arab world, began to work actively to revitalize the then-moribund pan-Arab movement. In March 1975, a declaration appeared in several Beirut newspapers calling for the establishment of a center for the study of Arab unity. The declaration was signed by 32 intellectuals and educators from all over the Arab world, who called for the establishment of CAUS to carry out `independent scientific research into all aspects of Arab society and Arab unity, free of ties to any government.'.
Areas of Research: Regional studies, political issues, development studies, foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, economic issues, industry policy, social issues, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, communications and information, science and technology. The center's research program focuses on the Arab world as a whole.
Geographic Focus: All Arab countries, League of Arab States, Co-operation Council for Arab Gulf States and Arab Maghrib Union.

The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)
PO Box 19545, Jerusalem, Palestine
tel:972- 2 626 4426 fax:972-2 628 2819
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Independent NGO, founded in 1987.
Background/Scope: PASSIA seeks to present the Palestinian question in national, Arab and international contexts through academic research, dialogue and publication.
Areas of Research: Political issues, foreign relations, education, labor and human resource development, culture and religion, development studies, environment and natural resources, regional studies.
Geographic Focus: Domestic, Palestine, Israel, Middle East.

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR)
PO Box 4567, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
tel:971-2 642 7000 fax:971-2 642 8899
e-mail:[email protected]

Organizational Status: Governmental institute, founded in 1994.
Background/Scope: ECSSR was established to enhance understanding of political and socio-economic forces shaping the Gulf region, to help identify and define the national security priorities of the United Arab Emirates, and to assist policy makers in assessing policy options confronting the nation. The center is dedicated to the promotion of professional research and educational excellence in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region.
Areas of Research: Political issues, foreign relations and diplomacy, security and defense, economic issues, labor and human resource development, development studies, regional studies, social issues, education, communications and information.
Geographic Focus: Domestic, Arab Gulf and Middle East.