WCF Members

All chambers that are members of ICC through its national committee network are automatically members of the WCF.

WCF is ICC's global platform for its chamber members from around the world to discuss issues concerning daily activities and the operations of a chamber.

In countries with no ICC national committee, chamber membership applications are made directly to the ICC via the WCF. Chambers have the option of choosing between two categories of ICC membership; made only available to the chamber community. The two categories of membership are ICC full membership (which incorporates WCF) or WCF-only membership. ICC reports that many chambers from developing economies often join for the first time under the WCF category, later upgrading their membership to be a full ICC member.

Chambers and groups of chambers, at all levels become members of the WCF. WCF members include chambers of commerce, industry, chambers of manufacturers, chambers of economy, and bilateral chambers of commerce.