IACCI as a Finalist

IACCI was a finalist at the World Chambers Congress under the category of Best Skills Development Program.  Below is a summary of the IACCI application sent to promote IACCI to become a finalist for the competition.  It explains in brief strong points for being accepted as a finalist including the skills development program being honoured.

Having been cut off from the rest of the world for such a long period of time, Iraq lacks familiarity with certain practices, languages, and communication skills which have become central and essential to conducting business in the world today. IACCI aims to equip Iraqi trainees with the necessary communication, computer and business skills needed to raise a lasting confidence in what are and will become the key players in the rebuilding of Iraq’s economy. The project Training and Development Resources Initiative for Business  provides training and development for all Iraqis that is leading to increased employment and overall economic growth. The issues looked at in the courses include trade facilitation, data management and women’s empowerment and training. Up until the date of the Congress, IACCI had completed over 550 courses and had trained more than 10,000 students.