NAJAH or success in English which stands for “New Alternative for Justice, Achievement and Hope”,
this innovative USAID grant program is helping many aspiring entrepreneurs in the greater Baghdad area by making their dreams come true by jump starting their very own first business or expand existing business. IraqiAmerican Chamber of Commerce & Industry is proud to implement NAJAH by its brave and talented Iraqi staff, we call them, the Impossible is Nothing team and they use some very clever and leading edge marketing and logistics techniques only used in advanced countries like mass advertising though billboards, brochures, test marketing of targeted areas, surveys, telemarketing, orientation sessions, database programs like ORACL, and My SQL. Yes, the rest of the world needs to know that such talent exists in Iraq and only takes some good management and encouragement to develop into its full potential. Throughout the life of NAJAH over the next few months we hope to give over a 1000 grants for up to $10,000 each which will in turn help create jobs, curtail violence and improve the lives of thousands of Iraqi citizens through improving their standard of living and offering badly needed services in their neighborhoods. We encourage you to come back to NAJAH web site to read more and newer stories of individual grant recipients and hear their personal stories of Achievement, Justices and Hope
PROBLEM As we witness the transformation of Iraq from decades of neglect and totalitarianism into a free society based on freedom of expression, democracy, free trade and the rule of law, Iraq will require massive infusion of capital and investment in all fields and sectors from infrastructure to upgrading and training human capital to rebuild Iraq. Currently Baghdad, as the capital of a united Iraq, is ruled by a series of militias and splinter groups competing with legitimate police forces. Moreover, a large percentage of the police and Iraqi security forces are loyal to particular political currents and parties, not trusted by the majority of the Iraqi populace. Right now Iraq is on the edge of the tipping point and Baghdad is the fulcrum. A slight push in the right direction could make the difference between plunge into civil war or slow but steady recovery of a society into stability.
SOLUTION There are many individuals who, given the opportunity, would gladly put their energies into building their country, but lack the sufficient initiative or basic capital to begin a project that could employ not only that person, but others as well. By providing simple encouragement in the form of a material “push” in the direction of economic activation through a small NAJAH, small businesses will begin to form and expand, engaging individuals who are owners and employees of micro-small enterprises in productive activities. The alternative to these productive activities is destructive involvement in militia activities and/or non-participation taking the form of reclusion or fleeing the country altogether at a time when positive involvement in the economy has never been more needed.
A large portion of the recruitment process depends on telemarketing supported by billboards and flyers that are distributed in target areas and market assessment and further development of our success ratio will determine future recruiting plans
The assistance of a number of special committees of two to three persons that are reliable and trustworthy in each district who “spread the word” to other applicants. This committee has forms and paperwork readily available to give to any grant applicants. When the initial application is completed, the committee notifies NAJAH and we begin the follow-up procedure to complete the remainder of the application
The overall goal of the SME training program is to equip aspiring and current micro and small private sector enterprises with intellectual and professional capacity to develop and expand as well as prospective professionals seeking positions in existing companies to acquire the skills needed to find a job.
By providing this infusion of intellectual capital, NAJAH will equip a business or aspiring professional individuals with the ability to begin a meaningful career, or expand or start up a business. In both cases, NAJAH is equipping individuals who are potential or existing business leaders with the ability to find jobs, or create jobs for others to fill.
Target Trainees:
Targeted trainees will consist primarily of two main groups: the first is the prospective or existing owner/manager of a micro or small business who could be a prime target for benefiting from the NAJAH/IRD grant program upon completion of training. The second group of targeted trainees consists of those persons who are looking for work as government of large company employees, in need of administration, sales and marketing, or finance skills.
For English language courses, NAJAH will use the New Headway series published by Oxford University Press. For any computer courses, the ICDL curriculum will be used.
Participants received a student book for each course, original material that NAJAH will procure from IFC. The course student book will be provided in Arabic. Presentation of the material in the book is very orderly and easy for students to grasp, utilizing diagrams and charts that help to illustrate the material being presented. Two of the books are pictured here below, one in the marketing series and the other in the personal productivity skills series.
For English language courses, NAJAH will use the New Headway series published by Oxford University Press. For any computer courses, the ICDL curriculum will be used.