Iraq Newsletter


IACC is a member of International Chamber Federation since 2003


  Support Letters

IACCI is proud to receive this supporting document from Iraq's National Security Advisor DR. Mowaffak al-Rubaie, we continue our vision to

"Accelerate Iraq's economic growth by advancing business development in the private sector through trade shows beginning with our Baghdad Business to Business event in February 08 and continuing with five smaller events in the past few months covering Rebuilding Karada, 9 Nissan, Rassafa, Athmiya and Sadr City Districts and continuing with our fourth annual Kurdistan event on 11th November is Sulymaniah and ending in the first and largest event for a National show and conference at the new Baghdad International Convention Center on December 15th.

Advancing economic growth by supporting public sector through inviting all Iraqi government agencies to participate in all our events as complementary gesture by IACCI and by organizing the first Energy EXPO and Conference for Iraq's Oil Ministry December 5th.

Next year we have many planes to continue our work and we hope and pray that all efforts to develop economic and business growth in Iraq will be successful to stimulate business opportunity, investment and the creation of thousands of jobs"

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