The First & Greatest Trade and industrial show organized in Baghdad in its new era
Since foundation, the IACCI plotted for itself a great role to play in reactivating the Iraqi stagnant economy and extend every possible assistance to it so as to transfer to broader horizons of prosperity and flourishing, as well as revitalizing the private sector role in the forthcoming stage of the Iraqi peoples’ life. ……
The most prominent of which is the transfer of this economy from the state of a pure and stagnant centralized economy to a developed and dynamic one, open to the outer world and interacting with its newest innovations in the fields of administration, production and technological applications, that is of course through direct contact channels between private sector companies, Iraqi businessmen, ministries and governmental establishments and foreign companies and investors particularly from the united states of America.
Proceeding from this future optimistic outlook to the promising Iraqi economy, especially the private sector role, the IACCI initiative comes in organizing a first and greatest trade& industrial show on the ever-growing Baghdad International Fair grounds, which shall award a golden opportunity for Iraqi businessmen, companies and ministries to contact face-to –face foreign investors and companies without the need to intermediaries or be committed to travel to other countries to attend exhibitions related to the process of reconstruction of Iraq.
In this show (Destination Baghdad Expo- DBX) an invaluable chance shall be offered to all Iraqis to get acquainted with and live up to the latest technological achievements in the different fields of trade, means of production, services and modern administration methods, which comes from the wide participation of hundreds of foreign, American and Arab companies competing to win contracts with private and governmental sector equally.
In addition to above mentioned realities, we insist that the entry of foreign and American firms to Iraqi labor field and their big investments in reconstruction of Iraqi infrastructure and many other projects shall award to Iraqis tremendous job opportunities to the unemployed including the Iraqi accumulated expertise and manpower, enhancing its efficiencies and acquisition of new know-how through direct contact with new technology and modern labor methods.
Baghdad International Fair in brief:
This Fair was founded in 1956…. Since then it was the meeting place for thousands from different spots of the world as being held annually in which hundreds of friendly countries and thousands of businessmen participate.. Come to Baghdad to build up successful business relations besides the former consolidated ones.
The Fair is situated in the middle of Baghdad,
Al- Mansour District, its area is 305000 km2 and comprises tens exhibition booths, pavilions, open- air large showrooms, besides orchards and necessary services compartments, this fair is being held since more than forty five years, and in the peak of its activities more than seventy states and three thousand exhibitor participated from all over the world to expose their commodities and services which brought them millions of dollar profits.
Preparations for the ( DBX )
In order that the show get an opportunity to succeed and realize its goals …. The IACCI launched since viable time on preparing to exert every possible effort to figure out the show as a historic event to take place in the economic life of Iraqis, amongst which to mention:
1. Mobilization of all the chambers’ personnel, each according his field of specialization.
2. Formation of an (operation room) affiliated to the show so as to follow daily proceedings.
3. Launching on reconstruction campaign of the showrooms and booths in coordination with ministry of trade, and at the own chambers’ expense, that is of course since a viable time.
4. Harmonizing efforts with all concerned Iraqi ministries for support and participating in the show, along with allocating a special booth for each ministry.
5. Streamlining activities with a number of Iraqi organizations and unions for support and participation in the show, to cite; Iraqi chambers of commerce union, Iraqi industrialists Union, Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Iraqi Engineers Union, Iraqi Bar association.
6. Coordination with Ministry of Interior, CPA, establishments specializing in security to ensure this important aspect of the show, as we shall tackle this topic separately.
7. The issuing of a specialized poster for the show.
8. Launching on a nation-wide media campaign to familiarize people with main features of the show, including a wide press conference for the Arab and foreign News Agencies correspondents and space channels.
9. A Businessmen Center shall be affiliated to the show so as to introduce best services.
10. A special media room shall be allocated for pressmen and journalists to cover the show activities.
11. The preparation of a suitable accommodation for the participating delegations in First-Class hotels of Baghdad.
12. Organizing of scheduled flights to and from Baghdad for all participants from abroad Iraq.
During the show days, a conference shall be concluded in two session forms, the first as closed circles each represents a specific domain of specialization so as to focus better and try to benefit as much as possible from experts respective to their fields, the second as small scale general symposium in which a number of specialists and ministers shall address the audience.
Conference Aims
A golden opportunity shall be offered to make direct contacts between Iraqi businessmen, investors and their foreign counterparts.
A huge flow of information shall pour into the conference regarding the various fields of specializations practiced by Iraqi businessmen.
Availing an excellent chance to get acquainted with the latest innovations and technology relevant to business and modern systems in running projects.
Contact the Iraqi officials and ministers so as to exchange opinions and points of view.
Exchange ideas and opinions with the CPA officials on running projects and reconstruction in addition to opinions of other governments within this respect.
1. A number of Iraqi ministers each within the domain of his specialization.
2. CPA representatives.
3. A number of experts and specialists in the domain of trade & industry.
4. Representatives of various foreign governments.
5. Professors specializing in the field of business administration and use of business English language.
In spite of some improvement in security situation in Baghdad, the IACCI attached a particular importance to this point to ensure a smooth running of the show and protection for the participants and the attendants as well. Henceforth, the chamber dealt with this matter from various aspects:
1- Coordination with CPA to fully protect the whole area of the show in land and air.
2- Streamlining of efforts with Iraqi ministry of interior to provide the show with police and security men to cover he whole area, outlets and inlets of the grounds.
3- Conclude of agreements with specialized security firms to reinforce security measures.
4- Protect the participating delegations during their movements from the show to their residence places and vice versa.
5- Protection of participants in their residence places.
6- Restrictions on the attendants to hold inclusively the ID badge issued from the chamber with a personal photo.
7- Other security measures to be implemented after wards.