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Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is one of the oldest Iraqi ministries.  It was established in 1939 by the decree No.59 which fixed its Administrational divisions. Many systems and amendments to the Ministry’s Depts. were undertaken since then e.g. systems No.48 of 1941, 79 of 1946, 38 of 1952 and 48 of 1959. Each of those systems contained new directorates that were established and added to the Ministry which continued to expand in administration and specializations.

After the issuance of the Labor Law of 1958, labor became a fundamental task of the Ministry’s specializations. According to the system No.39 of 1967, many establishments were created e.g. Labor and Social Security Establishment and Labor Educational Establishment. On 1967, the name of the first establishment became the State Establishment of Labor Retirement and Social Security and according to the Labor Law No. 151 of 1970 the Labor Establishment for Employment, Training and Rehabilitation was founded.  Then its name changed to the State Establishment for Labor and Vocational Training on 1978. According to the Ministry’s system No. 3 of 1972, the National Center for Social and Criminology Research was established. In1978 the Law of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the State Establishment for Social Reform were founded. On 1984 the Labor Educational Establishment joined the General Union of Labor Associations.

Goals and Officiated tasks

  1. Confirm the value of work as a right and duty to everyone capable of doing it.
  2. Suggest unified work wages policy.
  3. Deepen and distribute the democracy practice towards labor relationships.
  4. Provide social security for labor.
  5. Deepen the understanding of vocational safety at work to secure protection for the worker from vocational diseases, work accidents and secure the machine maintenance and protect production.
  6. Share in the development of human resources through training and rehabilitating the labors to get skills at various jobs.
  7. Organize and practice maintenance service for the equipment, machines, transportation means and raise the capability of employees.
  8. Provide care for the families with handicapped children.
  9. Provide care and rehabilitation to children to ensure their participation in the process of development and remove all psychological impact against the process.
  10. Take care of social reform for prisons to secure improving the prisoners, rehabilitation and education, study the circumstances of their families and support them.

The Plan of the Ministry for the future

  1. Reconstruct the Ministry divisions, expand its work to establish new directorates e.g. the Directorate of employment and Vocational Training and delete the Directorate of Social Care and the Directorate of Special Needs (Handicapped).
  2. Eradicate unemployment and rehabilitate the applicants for work and employ them according to their capabilities and qualifications.
  3. Review the system, regulations and make the necessary amendments to fit the current stage.
  4. Enhance the exchanged cooperation between Iraq, Arab and foreign countries to get the maximum benefit of International Organizations for local needs by funding the projects of the Ministry.

The Strategy of the Ministry for the future

  1. Refine the Ministry, expand its work, and establish new directorates e.g. the Directorate of Employment and Vocational Training. Divide the Directorate of Social Care into two directorates: the Directorate of Social Services and the Directorate of the Handicapped in addition to the other basic directorates.
  2. Enhance the formula of exchanged cooperation between Iraq, Arab and foreign countries.
  3. Eradicate unemployment as a basic future goal of the Ministry and make room for all work applicants.
  4. Consider training as a goal and an important means to achieve the Ministry's future goals and raise the experience and qualifications of the staff.
  5. To continue improving the social programs and services performed by the Ministry to fit the society and suit the needs of the current period which the new Iraq faces.
  6. Tend towards information mechanism and establishing internet to facilitate international contact, exchange experience and train our staff to use computers.
  7. Follow up strategic activities to improve the role of Iraqi women, prepare national reports and pass it to the ASKWA Organization.
  8. Follow up the performance of the Ministry’s suggested and continuous projects fixed in the 2005 investment plan in accordance with the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation.

The Ministry Offices

Citizens Services Affairs Dept., Import Dept., Childhood Care Committee, Personnel Affairs Dept., Administration Service Dept. Maintenance and Construction Dept., Follow up Dept., Information Dept., Studies and Research Dept., Legal Dept., Financial Dept., Public Relations Dept., Studies and Planning Dept. and Information Technology Dept.

The Ministry Contact Guide

The Ministry Headquarters

    Employment and Vocational Training Center - [email protected]

    Information Technology Center: [email protected]
                                                           [email protected]

    Information Dept.and Social Security Work Office: [email protected]

    Social Care Office: [email protected]

    Social Protection Net: [email protected]
                                           [email protected]