Ministry of Electricity
The first diesel electric generator was installed in 1917 at Khan Della, Baghdad with 220 utility volts. The State Establishment for Electricity was initiated in 1975 to include all its affiliated departments, but was annulled such that the State Establishment for Baghdad Electricity Distribution became an affiliate of the Ministry of Electricity. In 1987 the Commission (“Heyaa) of Electricity was established. Finally, The Ministry of Electricity was established in 2003.
Department of Commercial Affairs for Foreign Supplies
Its tasks are:
- Concluding foreign commercial contracts, and
- Opening foreign credits, conducting corrections therein, for tracking entry into Iraq with
the General Commission of Customs as per contracts concluded with the supplying companies.
Department of Commercial Affairs for Local Supplies
Approaching governmental offices and their affiliated companies for supplies of electrical equipment, other materials, etc.
Tenders Department
- Preparing and advertising tenders and direct invitations (internal and external), and
- Issuing permits and orders for additional work as well as their relevant matters, contract extension and extension of orders for contract renewal.
Administrative and Financial Office
Control, supervision and review checking for the purpose of action style within the Ministry and organization of administrative/personnel affairs and financial affairs in all the Ministry’s directorates.
Directorate of Electric Energy Transmission
1. Office of electric energy transmission networks: Its headquarters is in the Ministry’s “Deewan”. It is concerned with affairs of transmission lines and substations. The following Directorates are technically affiliated with it:
Northern region, Median region, Southern region, Upper Euphrates, Median Euphrates and North-eastern region.
2. Directorate of electric energy distribution: It consists of integrated system of 33/11 KV electric distribution stationary/mobile stations, 33 KV transmission lines, multi-capacity distribution transformers. The Directorate may be divided into:
Al-Kerkh Distribution Office, Median Distribution Office, Southern Distribution Office and, Median Euphrates Distribution Office
State Directorate of Transmission Projects & State Company for Electrical Projects
They were, respectively, established in 1957 and 1992. Their executions during the period 1975-2003 included many projects of 132-400 KV transmission and transforming as well as execution/rehabilitation a great number of socialist sector companies’ projects inclusive of installation woks and technical consultation.
Training and Development Office
It was established to upgrade the professional/scientific level of the Ministry’s staff, to develop their overall capabilities and prepare a trained cadre qualified to deal with advanced electrical systems. It adopts standard global systems for implementation in financial/accounting tasks throughout the Ministry’s directorates.
Directory for Contacting the Ministry
Headquarters: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Production Office: [email protected]
Transmission Office: [email protected]
Distribution Office: [email protected]
Projects Office: [email protected]
Chief Inspector’s Office: [email protected]
Economic Office: [email protected]
Planning & Studies Office: [email protected]