From Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce & Industry

About Us
Sep 23, 2003, 12:14

IACCI Goals are listed as follows:

  • Promote open-market economy in Iraq through a competitive system where the rules are the same for all participants. Corruption is eliminated and transparency and accountability is strengthened. Compliance systems for small business are simplified and participation of business groups in the day-to-day process of government decision-making is fostered and laws and institutions necessary for an open market-oriented economy are developed.
  • Help in reactivating the professional associations and guilds including the Iraqi Industrial Federation, the Contractors Union and the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce by conducting free and fair elections to promote the emergence of representative intermediaries.
  • Encourage entrepreneurial climate and culture and expand access to business and economic information necessary for informed decision-making.
  • Raise funds for, and implement through the private sector, specific projects in Iraq.
  • Develop and promote a consistent long term US policy orientation towards Iraq at the Congressional, White House and Agency level.
  • Help establish a bilateral relationship between the private sectors of Iraq and the U.S.A., through educational and economic programs, so that trade between the two countries is facilitated and expanded.

The strategy for achieving these goals is two-pronged:

In the short term, IACCI plans to take immediate steps "to raise awareness regarding the importance of an open-market economy in Iraq" through round table meetings between the private sector in Iraq, members of the IACCI, U.S.A. private sector, non-profit organizations, U.S.A. agencies, business leaders and academics.

Open IACCI offices throughout the major cities in Iraq staffed by professionals to implement its strategies by promoting and galvanizing the business community. In the long term, IACCI expects to design and implement programs for the "creation of a unified national approach to improve the investment climate and to strengthen business associations, think tanks, and other business organizations inside Iraq".

A major pillar of the IACCI work in Iraq will be "to develop a constructive dialogue between the private sector and relevant state institutions," by contributing to the revision of laws and regulations in order to facilitate investment in the private sector. Hold regular stakeholder meetings in Baghdad and other major cities in Iraq to form new links with U.S.A. governmental and non-governmental organizations that are actively engaged in promoting an open-market economy and democratic values.

As well, IACCI is developing and implementing training and workshops in cooperation with the U.S.A. agencies and private sector on topics such as: International trade, Small Business Development, Public Policy Advocacy, Government and Public Relations, Leadership Development, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Role of Business Associations in Democracies.

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