From Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce & Industry Member Services
Dear I-ACCI Member,
In our meeting yesterday ( 8 Mar, 2004) it was clear that many members need help in
obtaining DNB and CCR number to be able to bid on PMO contracts.
The Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry is announcing a new
service that it is providing to Iraqi companies wanting to register for
the next series of Program Management Office contracts offered by the
CPA. This service will provide the following:
1) A Dun and Bradstreet or DNB Number
2) A Central Contractor Registration Number
3) A NCAGE (NATO Commercial and Governmental Entity) Code.
4) Information on specific contracts to bid on.
We will provide this service for our members at $125 for regular time
processing of the DNB number which will take 30 days to complete from
date of submission or $175 ($70 will be paid to DNB) for the expedited
processing time of 5 days. If you are interested in receiving this
service, please come to our office at the Engineering Union (NAQABAT AL
It will be our pleasure to see Iraqi companies successfully compete for
this next group of contracts. We look forward to working with you help
you and your company participate in the Rebuilding of Iraq.
Kindest Regards,
Raad Ommar
Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce
As the I-ACCI plans to move to its new location, the following activities is being postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience. IACCI has taken the initiative to engage in a number of projects that will benefit our members in facilitating trade relationships. Included within this range of services are the following:
As of now, these are just some of the activities we have initiated in order to benefit our members and facilitate foreign-Iraqi trade relations. Please let us know your thoughts. What do you need?? We would love to hear from you if you would like to share with us some of your ideas.
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