From Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Doing Business in Iraq
CPA and the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) signed an agreement
Nov 26, 2003, 06:33

CPA and PMO Timeline – 2003-2004
RFPs, Bidding and Awarding of Contracts
and Turning Government over to the Iraqis


November 15 CPA and the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) signed an agreement detailing the political process for transfer of power to a new Iraqi government.

November 19 Federal BizOpps Released

November 19-21 CPA Industry Days in Washington, DC (Nov. 19) and London (Nov. 21)

November 19-28 Draft RFP releases
• PMO and CPA requests comments from Industry sources

November 30 Will have list of projects and then submit to Congress
• There may be up to 2,000 projects.

December 5 Release of RFPs

December 5 Ability to succeed in tasks outlined in RFPs.

December 10 Industry Conference
• There is some indication that this will be closed to those industries that have been pre-selected. There may be up to 25 reconstruction contracts awarded, plus the six sector project management contracts and one overall project management contract. If possible, three bidders will be selected for each contract for additional discussions and negotiations.


January 19-23 Discussions and clarification

January 21 Evaluation of bids completed

January 28 Review and approvals of bids

January 30 Sources selection decision

February 3 Award of contracts announced
• Up to 25 contracts are to be awarded in the reconstruction area. An attempt will be made to select three bidders for each contract during the discussion, negotiation and evaluation stage.

By May 31 Selection of a Transitional National Assembly through caucuses in each of the 18 Iraqi Governates

June 30 Election by the National Assembly of an executive branch at which time the CPA would be dissolved. Coalition military forces and the PMO will remain in Iraq.


March 15 Iraqis would adopt a permanent constitution through a Constitutional Convention

December 31 Fundamental law would expire and national elections will be held to establish a new Iraqi government.

Note: Six sector project management contracts will be awarded in the oil, electricity, public water works, security, transportation/communications and the public health sectors, in addition to an overall project management contract that will be awarded to work with Admiral Nash’s office to oversee all of the projects. The project management contracts will track the schedule set out herein, but in most cases will precede it by a few days.

Distribution of Appropriated Funds by Sector

$2.1 billion Borders, police, fire and customs
$2.1 billon New Iraqi Army and the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps
$0.9 billion Justice and Civil Society
$5.7 billion Electricity
$2.1 billion Oil
$3.7 billion Water and Sewerage
$0.9 billion Water conservation
$0.8 billion Transportation and Telecommunications
$0.5 billion Housing, Buildings, Roads and Bridges
$0.9 billion Hospitals and clinics
$0.3 billion Private sector initiatives and jobs training
$0.3 billion Refugees, human rights, and civil society

TOTAL: $20.3 billion

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